A BBP is a big beautiful person. BBW and BBM, of course, mean big beautiful women and big beautiful men. YESSS!!!! It's time to take back our lives and lift our heads in pride. There's nothing wrong with being a big chick or guy. Accept the way you are meant to be - it'll be the best thing you ever do for yourself. |
THE DIETING GAME Most of us have played this game in one form or another. There's a good reason why it's played so often by so many and those who play could be forgiven for thinking it's for their health. EEEEEHHHHH! Wrong! It's never been a good thing to do to your body but it does make a hell of a lot of money for some people. A BIG CHICK IS A CASH COW The diet industry makes 33 Billion dollars a year. They do it by trying to convince 92% of the population that they have to look like the other 8%. IT GETS INTO YOUR HEAD SO WELL On average, everyone is exposed to between 36 and 54 messages, through the media everyday of our lives, that is directly related to beauty and how you should look. And that's just the direct ones - shall we count the number of times a celebrity is ridiculed for putting on weight or appearing underweight. No bloody wonder that we all think we've got the wrong shaped this or that! STRAIGHTENING THE GARBAGE It's not about being slim - it's about being fit. If your slim, you are not automatically fit and healthy. Everybody has to work at that. You can be fat, fit, healthy and happy. Even the medical profession (who are among the most prejudiced on the planet!) are starting to verify that. Speaking of medical - I'd like to point out an interesting and important difference in perceptions with regards to diabetes. It's commonly thought that being fat that makes you at risk for diabetes. It's rarely explained that being fat is a possible symptom of diabetes. Big difference! DIETS ARE NOT WORTH YOUR BODY Diets damage your metabolism at the very least. Most of us know only too well that when we go off the diet - we are bound to put the weight back on plus. Dieting makes your body think it's winter and it goes into storage mode. On the more serious side of things it can cause high blood pressure and hypertension. OSTEOPOROSIS, KIDNEY, LIVER & HEART DAMAGE Constant crash dieting contributes dramatically to osteoporosis and puts strain on the kidneys, the liver and the heart. Most diet pills and drugs work directly on the heart muscle, damaging it for life. This is never a warning that comes with the drugs, by the way, and doctors aren't often made aware of it either. I have to say that it annoys me intensely when I hear of a big person that has died of a heart attack and people always put down it down to their obesity - not the fact that they've been dieting endlessly and taking Phen-Phen for three years! PSYCHOLOGICAL RIPPLES Trying to be what you are not has some pretty harmful physical effects in the slimming game but these don't compare to the psychological damage caused. The percentage of cases of depression that are directly linked to body image is horrifying. It goes without saying where eating disorders come from. WHAT CAN WE DO Start stomping the stereotypes! Big people are sometimes amongst the worst perpetrators. When someone says something derogatory about large people, the loudest to laugh are usually the biggest - and that's not usually because they think its funny - its usually to hide embarrassment. It's a shocking thing to hear someone say 'black and lazy' - it should be no less shocking to hear 'fat and lazy'. The other thing I hear far too often is a big person saying things like 'I've always wanted to learn to dance, I'll wait till I lose some weight.' Why wait? Big people play squash, go swimming, dance and have as much fun as anybody else - if they choose to. LIVE LIFE Watch what crap you put into your body and try to get active - everybody should exercise regularly. Big and small alike. Don't go screaming down to the gym and half kill yourself working out every day. Just pick something you think you would like to do, like going for a walk or a swim. There is nothing worse than choosing an activity that you can't stand - it's a mistake that many of us make. THE SIZE ACCEPTANCE GROUPS You can join a Size Acceptance Group and if there isn't one in your area - try and start one. A Size Acceptance Group provides support and guidance for anyone who has a problem with their size - and don't forget the other end of the scale - slim people often has as much difficulty as big people. SIZE ACCEPTANCE IN NEW ZEALAND Size Acceptance in NZ is still in the 'baby steps' stage. Unfortunately, NZ is a bit of a 'sporting mad, I must be perfect' country. As a result Size Acceptance groups that start up often find themselves in the firing line, from big and small. Having said that though, there is support out there, particularly from the business sector. If you want to start a group or you have some ideas, please give it go. If we want to change the average Kiwi's attitude, we have to do it by example. There are some groups and individuals out there leading by example already. Bella Magazine is a landmark for Size Acceptance in NZ. It is for big people and of the general/fashion mag genera. It seems to be holding its own and has been in production for well over a year now. Show your support - if it's not in your local supermarket, ask for it. And if you see a mag that uses 'natural' models, try and support that to.
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